Our Solutions

What is the appropriate treatment for my sleep disorder?

Depending on the sleep disorder, our professionals will be able to find the right treatment and guide you all through out the process.

Sometimes it’s as simple as changing your life style

Treating a sleep disorder can be as simple as loosing weight, eating healthy and adopting a proper sleep routine!

If you are primarily concerned about your snoring
Snoring can be treated with different solutions such as:

  • Life style
  • Positional therapy
  • Surgeries
  • Dental Orthosis – Dental Appliance
  • Radiofrequency

You can also
Elevate the head of your bed by four to six inches or elevate your body from the waist up. You can also use a special pillow.
Open your nasal passages at night by using a nasal dilator, saline spray, breathing strips or a humidifier.

If you suffer from a sleep disorder

Every sleep disorder demands different therapeutic approach. Learn about different sleep disorders and their appropriate treatment:

  • Insomnia
  • Circadian rhythm
  • Restless leg syndrome
  • Narcolepsy

Some simple suggestions to help treat your sleep apnea

Life style changes such as weight loss or avoiding alcohol consumption before bed time may diminish snoring and sleep apnea.
To find out more about sleep hygiene >>

Sleeping on your back may not be recommended or should even be avoided. In some cases, your position during sleep may aggravate your sleep apnea (on your back vs on your side). Devices may be worn in order to avoid sleeping on your back.
To find out more about positional therapy >>

If these simple solutions don’t resolve your problem; you may consider getting a prescription for other treatments.

CPAP machine – The administration of positive pressure (CPAP, BiPAP, AutoPAP) is considered to be the gold standard treatment for sleep apnea.
The positive air pressure keeps your airways open, thus preventing apnea. When the machine is well tolerated and worn all night, positive results are quickly seen. Unfortunately, not everyone can tolerate the machine, so alternatives must be considered.
To find out more about CPAP >>

Surgical treatments – Many surgeries are available to treat sleep apnea. These include maxillomandibular advancement, anterior inferior mandibular osteotomy with hyoid suspension, soft palate surgery, nasal surgery, tongue reduction surgery and more. The surgical approach may be conventional or laser-assisted.
To find out more about different surgeries >>

Non-surgical treatments : Mandibular Advancement Device
Mandibular Advancement Device are effective in treating snoring, mild apnea and moderate apnea.
They are custom designed by a specialist, in order to be comfortable and harmless for your teeth.
To find out more about Mandibular Advancement Device >>

Do you have questions about sleep disorders

Call us toll free at 1-(855) 218-5186Our team of sleep specialists will answer your questions. Consultations are free and can be done online or in person.

Take The Online Sleep Assessment

Take our free online sleep assessment to quickly and easily determine if you may be at risk for a sleep disorder.