Purchase Home Test For Sleep Apnea

Price: $550.00

The WatchPAT ONE is a new innovative at home sleep test to determine Sleep Apnea

How It Works

1. Setup: Follow the provided instructions to properly prepare the device before bedtime.

2. Syncing: Download and set up the app on your phone to sync with the device.

3. Tracking: Throughout the night, the device monitors sleep parameters, including heart rate, oxygen saturation, and body movements.

4. Data Transmission: After your night of sleep, the app automatically sends the collected data for our medical team to analyze.

Frequently Asked Questions

Unfortunately no, the WatchPAT cannot be used by patients with Pacemakers however Dorma can provide other options for patients with Pacemakers

The test costs $550 which includes the shipment of the device, the transfer of data and analysis of your sleep study by our medical team. Most private insurers in Quebec will cover the cost of the test. Please check with your insurance provider before purchasing the test

While the WatchPat device offers a diagnosis of sleep apnea that is acknowledged by organizations such as the AASM, it is not recognized by the province of Ontario. Therefore, this test is not eligible for reimbursement by private or public insurers. To receive government assistance for purchasing a CPAP device, Ontario residents must obtain a diagnosis from a laboratory licensed by the Independent Health Facilities (IHF)

The WatchPAT ONE is a home sleep apnea test device designed for simplicity, accuracy, and reliability. It uses a smartphone app to transmit sleep data to the cloud, enabling a clinician to review the automated study results.

The WatchPAT ONE measures various sleep parameters through seven channels. It calculates the Apnea-Hypopnea Index (AHI) and Respiratory Disturbance Index (RDI) using the patient’s True Sleep Time, providing a more accurate diagnosis.

True Sleep Time: Uses the patient’s actual sleep time instead of total recording time.

Sleep Architecture: Provides information on sleep stages, including sleep efficiency, sleep latency, and REM latency.

REM Detection: Identifies REM-related sleep apnea.

Apnea Detection: Accurately detects all types of apnea events, including Central Sleep Apnea (CSA) and Cheyne-Stokes Respiration.

The WatchPAT ONE is suitable for adults who need a home sleep apnea test. It should be used under the guidance of a healthcare professional. Please note we cannot accept patients under 18 years old

The WatchPAT ONE is clinically validated and has been proven to provide accurate detection of sleep apnea events and sleep architecture. It reduces the risk of misdiagnosis by using True Sleep Time.

You can purchase the WatchPAT ONE from Dorma Lab’s website using the form to the right. After receiving the device, download the smartphone app, follow the setup instructions, and start the sleep study. The app will transmit the data to the cloud for clinician review.

Dorma Lab offers the following services:

Test Interpretation: A neurologist will interpret the test results.

Test Report: You will receive a detailed report of your sleep study.

Free Consultation: A free consultation to discuss the test results and next steps based on the findings.

If you encounter any issues, consult the user manual for troubleshooting tips. You can also contact Dorma Lab’s customer support for assistance.

For more information or support, visit Dorma Lab’s website or contact our customer support team. Our healthcare providers can also offer guidance and answer any questions you may have about using the WatchPAT ONE.

Get Started

Purchase At Home Sleep Test
Personal Information

Please tell us a bit more about yourself as well as the address you would like your sleep test to be shipped to

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The email address must be valid.
Phone number must be 10 digits.
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Referral Information

If you were referred by your doctor or dentist, please provide their information so we can share your results directly with them. If you were not referred but would still like us to send your results to them, please fill in their name and we would be happy to accommodate your request.

Payment Information

A receipt for your $550.00 sleep test will be sent to your e-mail as well as an invoice with can be submitted to your private insurer if you have one

Cardholder name is required.
Credit card number is required.
Expiration month is required.
Expiration year must be 4 digits (e.g., 2025).
CVV is required.
CVV is required.
You must accept the terms and conditions to proceed.

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