Sleep Hygiene
Sleep hygiene
What do we mean by good “sleep hygiene”?
Sleep hygiene regroups different habits and environmental factors implicated in promoting a good night sleep. For example, establishing a routine that respects your internal clock can improve sleep quality.
Here are some recommendations:
Your sleeping environment: Keep your room dark, quiet and cool. Make sure your bed is comfy and associated only with sleep and relaxation. Keep all electronics away and keep your alarm away from your bed.
Establish a routine : Get as much light as possible during the day, establish a regular bedtime routine and practice relaxation techniques before sleeping. The body needs between 6 to 8 hours of sleep.
Avoid: All stimulants such as energy drinks, caffeine and stimulating medication should be avoided 5 hours before sleep-time.
Smoking and alcohol: Cigarettes and alcohol consumption may cause fragmented sleep which is harmful on a long-term basis.
Promote healthy food: Do not eat 3 hours before bed-time. Avoid fatty and spicy foods which are harder to digest.
Exercise regularly: Exercise reduces stress and depression and improves continuous sleep. However, do not exercise before bedtime because endorphins are released and these can keep you awake.
Do you have questions about sleep disorders
Call us toll free at 1-(855) 218-5186. Our team of sleep specialists will answer your questions. Consultations are free and can be done online or in person.
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