Snoring: when to consult a doctor
Snoring does not have a direct impact on health. Nevertheless, it can be a source of discomfort for others and interfere with their sleep. In more severe cases, snoring can be associated with sleep apnea and impact the snorer’s daily life (sleep disorders, cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, etc.).
Why should I consult a specialist for my snoring?
Some people are not bothered by their snoring. However, there are many reasons why a person should consult a specialist. We have outlined a few of the common reasons below:
– If you feel tired during the day
Sleep deprivation has a clear impact on daily life. Indeed, fatigue can lead to mood swings, lack of concentration, lower libido, headaches and many other symptoms. It is essential to take care of your sleep.
– Snoring impacts your partner
Some people are bothered by their partner’s snoring which can result in chronic fatigue and a general sense of tiredness for not only the snorer, but their partner as well. If you are a snorer’s partner or your snoring bothers a loved one, we encourage you to consult our sleep clinic. We offer free consultations at our clinic or online from the comfort of your own home.
– Sleep apnea impacts your health
Snoring may be associated with a sleeping disorder called sleep apnea. This can cause daytime fatigue, hypertension and cardiovascular disease in the long term. Sleep apnea can be diagnosed with a simple at-home sleep test or with a sleep test at a certified sleep lab.