Snoring Problems

Snoring Problems & Treatments

Dorma offers you an initial consultation with one of our doctors to determine the causes of your snoring problems. Sleep disorder specialists will discuss tests to detect possible sleep apnea, and recommend snoring treatments.

What is snoring?

Snoring, also known as ronchopathy, usually occurs on inhalation when the palate and uvula tissues vibrate as air passes through. Snoring is not considered a health problem except in the case of sleep apnea

However, it can still cause discomfort to those around. According to the American Academy of Otolaryngology, 45% of adults snore occasionally and 25% of adults are regular snorers.


Common causes of snoring

During sleep, the tissues of the palate and throat relax. For some people, these tissues partially obstruct the passage of air and begin to vibrate during breathing. Snoring can be caused or accentuated by one of the following factors:  

  • Weight gain
  • Pregnancy
  • Presence of polyps in the nasal passages
  • Nasal congestion
  • Alcohol consumption
  • Sagging tissue caused by ageing

The different levels of snoring (decibels)

To sleep well, ambient noise should not exceed 30 decibels. Decibels measure the how powerful or loud a sound is. 

  • Under 40 decibels, snoring is considered light.
  • From 41-59 decibels, snoring is moderate.
  • From 60-69 decibels, snoring is moderately severe.
  • At 70 decibels and above, snoring is severe.

Snoring and sleep apnea

When snoring is associated with frequent breathing stops that affect sleep, it is called sleep apnea. Often the snorer is not aware that he or she has sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is caused by a relaxation of the tongue and throat muscles that obstruct the passage of air. Sleep apnea causes fatigue and drowsiness during the day.

If you suffer from sleep apnea, it is recommended that you consult a snoring specialist (otorhinolaryngologist (ENT)).

Snoring: when to consult a doctor

Snoring does not have a direct impact on health. Nevertheless, it can be a source of discomfort for others and interfere with their sleep. In more severe cases, snoring can be associated with sleep apnea and impact the snorer’s daily life (sleep disorders, cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, etc.). 

Why should I consult a specialist for my snoring?

Some people are not bothered by their snoring. However, there are many reasons why a person should consult a specialist. We have outlined a few of the common reasons below:

– If you feel tired during the day

Sleep deprivation has a clear impact on daily life. Indeed, fatigue can lead to mood swings, lack of concentration, lower libido, headaches and many other symptoms. It is essential to take care of your sleep.

– Snoring impacts your partner

Some people are bothered by their partner’s snoring which can result in chronic fatigue and a general sense of tiredness for not only the snorer, but their partner as well. If you are a snorer’s partner or your snoring bothers a loved one, we encourage you to consult our sleep clinic. We offer free consultations at our clinic or online from the comfort of your own home. 

 – Sleep apnea impacts your health

Snoring may be associated with a sleeping disorder called sleep apneaThis can cause daytime fatigue, hypertension and cardiovascular disease in the long term. Sleep apnea can be diagnosed with a simple at-home sleep test or with a sleep test at a certified sleep lab.

How does a free sleep consultation work?

Your initial consultation has 2 major purposes:

  • Find a solution to stop or minimize your snoring
  • Screen for sleep apnea and any other sleep disorders

We suggest your spouse accompany you for your free clinic consultation or joins the virtual consultation at home. At your initial evaluation, a specialist will determine if sleep apnea testing is required by asking you questions about your sleep and alertness. The sleep specialist will also take into account your past medical history and will examine your upper airway.

Shorter versions of our sleep screening tools are available online as well. If you would like to check your predisposition and likeliness of a sleep disorder you can take the 1-minute questionnaire online here

What are the solutions for snoring problems?

During your first visit, the specialist will propose different long term solutions to stop or minimize your snoring. The treatment will depend on whether or not you have sleep apnea.

Sleep apnea may be diagnosed by a laboratory sleep test (polysomnography) or a home sleep test. You will need a medical prescription in order to undergo these tests however our medical team would be happy to provide one for you, if required.

These tests are performed under medical prescription only.

After assessing the snoring intensity and its vibration, the ENT will prescribe a treatment suitable for the patient. Certain actions may reduce the factors that promote snoring:

  • Limit the consumption of alcohol in the evening
  • Stop Smoking
  • Lose weight
  • Cleaning your nose with a nasal spray
  • Sleep on your side to keep the airways open

Meet with a sleep specialist today to learn more about snoring treatment options, and how snoring could be related to sleep apnea.

We offer free consultations over the phone or in person at our sleep clinics in Quebec. Let us help you sleep better.

Satisfied customers

Read our patient reviews and see how Dorma can help treat your sleep problems.

“The team at Dorma answered all of my questions and were very helpful in helping me understand my different options. I now get a full nights sleep!”

Isabelle Giroux

“I moved my file to Dorma because of their fantastic service and have never looked back.”

Martin Gagnon

“I’ve had undiagnosed sleep apnea for most of my adult life. Thanks to the team at Dorma I can now sleep. Thank you again!”

Jacques Lemieux