[vc_row][vc_column width=”9/12″ el_class=”pages-contenu”][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner][vc_column_text]Snoring is quite common in adults, especially in men over 50. It is estimated that 40% of them are snoring.
Responsible for a lot of problems, snoring disturbs the sleep of the spouse and family. It can sometimes reach 90 decibels, or the sound of a motor truck transportation. Caused by the vibration of the tissues of the palate, tongue and throat during the passage of air through the narrowed airways, snoring occurs mainly while inhaling.
Although surgery is a permanent solution, some simple steps can help reduce the intensity of snoring. Here are some tips to avoid making separate room …
It is not considered a health problem and rarely bothers the person snoring. However, snoring may be irritating, especially for the spouse!
Increased by certain factors such as being overweight, pregnancy, a cold or too large tonsils, among others, snoring can also be caused, in some cases, by sleep apnea. This disorder affects 5% of the population and is ignored by the majority of patients.
After checking with a doctor you do not suffer from sleep apnea, and if snoring persists, you can try these recommendations:
1. Avoid sleeping on your back
In this position, the tongue is brought to the back of the palate, thereby reducing the passage of air. A preferred position would be on the side or stomach.
2. Avoid alcohol and medications like sleeping pills and tranquilizers
Their main effect is being responsible for the relaxation of the tissues of the palate and throat, then narrowing passage of air during breathing. This is likely to increase even more snoring during sleep.
3. Not too hearty dinner the night before
A stomach too full can indeed compress the diaphragm during sleep and disrupt the flow of air into the airways. Beware of foods that are too fatty and too sweet, which also causes sleep disorders.
4. Dieting
This solution can sometimes be a good weapon against snoring, snoring especially if the person is overweight. This will facilitate airflow.
5. Stop smoking
Smoking irritates the throat and may cause snoring during sleep. In the case of being unable to quit smoking, especially if you are a heavy smoker, you should try to refrain from smoking before bedtime.
6. A good pillow
A pillow that is too soft does not maintain correctly the neck and can cause muscle relaxation and thus a narrowing of the air passage. Anti snoring pillows are also on the market for keeping the airways elevated, but their effectiveness is not yet proven.
7. Anti Snoring belts
Some t-shirts, pajamas or a thoracic belt filled with a semi-rigid pocket in the dorsal region can be worn to ensure the patient does not sleep on his or her back. This can be a simple and effective trick in some patients with snoring and / or apnea occurring mainly in the supine position.
8. Moisten the air
Water vapor inhaled before sleep, especially with broadcasters or humidifiers, or even through infusions, may be a good trick. Nasal dryness, due to heating or in dry climates during winter, can indeed cause snoring. Moistening the throat can help limiting snoring.
9. Nasal strips
Elastic nasal strips that stick on the nose may help diminish snoring a little. It increases the opening of the nostrils which facilitates the passage of air so the patient can learn to breathe through the nose.
10. Consult a healthcare professional
Snoring can cause significant problems socially. Do not hesitate to contact a specialist clinic for an evaluation.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][/vc_column][/vc_row]