Why do I snore?

Why do I snore?

Snoring can be a consequence of enlarged tonsils, the nose structure or an excess of fat weight around the neck. During sleep, our neck muscles relax and closes the throat partly. The airways become narrow, causing the vibration sound known as snoring.


It is important to understand that among snorers, some are occasional snorers while others are regular snorers. With age, snoring is more frequent.


To understand why we snore when we sleep, it is necessary to be familiar with the throat mechanisms during the night. The snoring noise causes an oral vibration. Snoring is a sign of air resistance. During sleep, the throat tissues are relaxed and cause vibrations. As mentioned, the uvula vibrates, but it is not the only one. The cheeks, tonsils and tongue can also vibrate and cause snoring.


Let’s now focus on sleep apnea. For some snorers, their ronchopathy is a sign of apnea. Sleep apnea is characterized by a decrease or interruption of the respiratory flow. These breathing pauses as well as snoring are the most notable signs of apnea. If sleep apnea is presumed, you should consult a doctor. A polygraphy test will be performed. 


1. Why do I snore: the causes


There are a variety of anatomical causes and a multitude of environmental factors.


The environmental factors are related to a lifestyle. The first risk factor is overweight. Overweight causes a reduction of the airways. Similarly, pregnancy can also lead to snoring.


The second lifestyle-related factor is alcohol consumption. Alcohol relaxes the muscles of the throat promoting snoring. Thus, alcohol consumption disturbs the sleep cycle and increases snoring.


Sleeping pills and sedatives will have the same effect as alcohol. Limit their consumption as much as possible.

Same rules for Tobacco, especially before bedtime, as it causes the irritation of the throat. This irritation leads to a throat enlargement and reduces the air passage.


In addition, the sleeping position can promote snoring. Sleeping on the back multiplies the chances of snoring. 


Regarding anatomical causes, a list of them can be mentioned. The first cause is an enlargement of the tonsils. The second and by far the most common cause is nasal congestion. A cold causes snoring. Other causes are polyps in the nasal passages.


2. Why do I snore: the solutions

First, it is important to consult a doctor. A Dorma specialist will be able to diagnose the severity of your symptoms and offer you the appropriate treatment.


There are various solutions to help you cope with snoring. For example, the mandibular advancement device is a great solution. To learn more about oral appliances, check our oral appliance solutions
