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CPAP Buying Guide 2020

Are you looking to get a CPAP device in 2020 and are wondering what criteria should be considered when buying?   Before choosing your CPAP device, you must first determine your needs. To help you make an informed choice according to your criteria, we have designed this CPAP buying guide to help you with your ...

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Chirurgies des Voies Aériennes Supérieures

10 Tips on reducing snoring

Snoring is quite common in adults, especially in men over 50. It is estimated that 40% of them are snoring. Responsible for a lot of problems, snoring disturbs the sleep of the spouse and family. It can sometimes reach 90 decibels, or the sound of a motor truck transportation. Caused by the vibration of the ...

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Traveling with a CPAP

Traveling becomes almost irresistible when you are on vacation. Only one problem: What should you do with your CPAP? Many people choose to leave their CPAP at home, thinking that if they were able to live without it before their sleep apnea was diagnosed, why not get a few days off? The truth is that ...

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Chirurgie palatale

Your dentist could detect your sleep apnea

Obstructive sleep apnea occurs when the airways become obstructed during sleep. Patients frequently suffer from symptoms such as: Snoring Breathing interruptions Dry mouth Daytime sleepiness Sore throat Dry mouth is often associated with sleep apnea and can cause bad breath, especially in the morning. During sleep, saliva flow is reduced and adding a dry mouth ...

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Celebration, alcohol and apnea

Whether it is during Canada Day celebrations, the holidays or any other occasion; it is well known that alcohol and festivity go frequently together. Did you know that alcohol can affect sleep quality and even increase the frequency and duration of apnea?   Drinking alcohol causes muscle relaxation. This includes the muscles in your airways, ...

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CPAP and new partner

Love is emerging with a new partner in your life. It is possible that you hesitate to spend the night with your new partner because you fear his or her reaction to the CPAP. Will he or she accepts the noise produced by the unit or does it give him or her the impression of ...

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10 tips to stop snoring for good

Snoring and Sleep Apnea

Our team of healthcare professionals offers a wide range of surgical and non-surgical treatments for snoring and sleep apnea. Such services include: sleep testing, CPAP prescription and titration and upper airway surgery for snoring and sleep apnea.   What’s the link between snoring and sleep apnea? Snoring occurs when the upper segments of the respiratory tract ...

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Treatment without Surgery

It is possible to treat mild to moderate cases of sleep apnea without surgery, by changing certain lifestyle habits, here are a few: _ Weight loss _ Avoid alcohol and sleeping pills _ Changing sleeping position to improve breathing _ Stop smoking. Smoking increases the swelling of the airways and aggravates snoring. _ Avoid sleeping ...

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Snoring correction with surgery

Snoring correction with surgery Produced by the soft palate when it vibrates, snoring usually occurs during sleep or during naps. It can be difficult to live with snoring, both for those who have to endure this vibratory phenomenon and those who produce it.   A proper diagnosis is essential to determine the causes and to ...

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