How to get a good night’s sleep: 9 things that keep you awake

How to get a night's sleep: 9 reasons that keep you awake

A good night’s sleep is often the first thing we sacrifice when our lifestyle is busy. If this is your case, it’s time to review your priorities. Lack of sleep affects your general health.  A series of studies show a correlation between lack of sleep and obesity, as well as several related diseases: heart disease, … Read more

5 natural ways to improve sleep

5 natural ways to improve sleep

How to improve sleep? Although it is common to have occasional sleepless nights, insomnia is the inability to sleep through the night that interferes with daily activities. Among the natural remedies, there are three remedies that have been proven helpful, and others with poor or inconclusive results. Since chronic sleep deprivation can be linked to … Read more

9 useful tips for better sleep

9 useful tips for better sleep

According to a Canadian health study, Canadians aged 18 to 64 years slept an average of 7.12 hours per night. Bad news, because the benefits of restful sleep are multiple: better heart health, reduced stress, improved memory and weight loss.   Stop consuming too much caffeine or taking excessive naps and use our tips to … Read more

Does Intermittent Fasting Help Sleep Better?

Does Intermittent Fasting Help Sleep Better?

Intermittent fasting has multiple definitions. The question is not about what you eat but when you eat. It is a lifestyle where you alternate meals and fasting. Even though you don’t fast intentionally, you “fast” while you sleep. One of the most common ways to fast is skipping breakfast and take the first meal at … Read more

Is hitting the snooze button bad for your health?

Using the snooze button starts during your teenage years. The circadian cycle is a bit tumultuous, and your body tells you to stay awake a little more while pushing the awake the next morning.   For many people, the snooze functionality is a must. It allows you to stay in bed longer and grab minutes. … Read more